Individual Assignment: Midterm team peer assessment
- Due Mar 6, 2024 by 3pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box
- Available Mar 6, 2024 at 1pm - Mar 6, 2024 at 3pm 2 hours
The purpose of this assignment is to review the contributions and engagement of your teammates. You have 100 pts to distribute to all members of your team (including yourself!) based on their contributions and engagement to this point in the project. LIST OUT THE NAMES OF YOUR TEAMMATES ON YOUR SUBMISSION AND ASSIGN POINTS TO EACH PERSON. THE TOTAL FOR ALL TEAM MEMBERS MUST EQUAL 100.
Team member 1 name: 30
Team member 2 name: 30
Team member 3 name: 10
Team member 4 name: 30
This would indicate that team embers 1, 2, and 4 did most of the work up to this point and that team member 3 has not met the commitments made in the team ground rules agreed to in at the beginning of the semester.
I will use this information in several ways:
1. Part of each individual's midterm grade will reflect their teammates assessment of their contribution to and engagement with the team.
2. For students who receive universally low ratings from their teammates, I will contact them personally to encourage them to engage more actively with their team for the second half of the semester.
3. The final individual course grades for for students who receive low scores from their teammates at both the midterm assessment and the final presentation assessment will be negatively impacted. Students who receive poor peer feedback at the midterm but significantly better at the final assessment will be able to offset some of the penalty from the mid term assessment.