Project: Complete the extended peer evaluation for user research
- Due Oct 21, 2024 by 11:59pm
- Points 3
Complete the user research peer evaluation to provide feedback on the contributions of each member of your team, including yourself, for the user research deliverable.
This peer evaluation is one of two extended peer evaluations in the course. It will be worth 3 points of credit in the Peer Evaluation category. Since the midterm exam will occur the same week, we have also extended the timeline of the peer evaluation:
- Thursday (October 17): Peer Review survey released. Links to an external site.
- Saturday (October 19 9AM): Peer Review survey due. (Deadline extended to 12pm. Please contact us ASAP if you are experiencing issues with completing the survey).
- Sunday (October 20): Summative Review survey released. Links to an external site.
- Monday (October 21): Summative Review survey due.
Please use a desktop/laptop device for both surveys and read all instructions carefully. Failure to do so may result in parts of the survey functioning incorrectly.
A help guide has been created for the peer evaluation. Links to an external site.Please refer to it if you have any questions/issues while completing the peer evaluation.
The peer evaluations have been created in Qualtrics and each student should receive an email notification with the link to the Peer Review survey from the Qualtrics system per the timeline above. The link will also be added to this assignment, which you can utilize even if a system-generated email is not received.
Each member of a team will be able to review the aggregated results for the peer evaluations of his or her contributions to the team project. This will allow each team member to understand how his or her contributions are perceived by the team and to make adjustments as necessary. We hope this will help lead to more equitable contributions for the project and more positive teamwork behavior. The aggregated evaluations will also be used to assess individual contributions to the team project at the end of the semester.
Please see the Project Guide for more details about peer evaluations in the course.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
Peer review
Rating team members' contributions to the team.
Summative review
Reviewing your aggregated ratings from the team.
Total Points:
out of 3