Course Syllabus
The focus of Math 241 is vector calculus, which concerns functions of several variables and functions whose values are vectors rather than just numbers. In this broader context, we will revisit notions like continuity, derivatives, and integrals, as well as their applications (such as finding minima and maxima). We’ll explore new geometric objects such as vector fields, curves, and surfaces in 3-space and study how these relate to differentiation and integration in higher dimensions. The theorems of Green, Stokes, and Gauss will show that integration and differentiation in higher dimensions show surprising interactions.
- Instructor: Richard Sowers
- Credit Hours: 4
- Prerequisites: Math 220 or Math 221
- Book: James Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 9th edition ebook & online homework (Chapters 12-16)
- Class notes: Google Drive
Class Meetings
Lectures: I will be lecturing via two sections of this course. In order to keep in-class assessments organized, please attend the section you are enrolled in. The Lecture Notes are also available in Google Drive (accessible via Google Apps @ Illinois).
Section | CRN | Days | Time | Place | Recorded Lectures |
AL1 | 59328 | MWF | 8-8:50 AM | 1002 Electrical & Computer Engineering Building | Illinois Media Space |
AL2 | 47036 | MWF | 9-9:50 AM | 1002 Electrical & Computer Engineering Building | Illinois Media Space |
Discussion Sections: You should also be enrolled in a discussion section (sections ADA through ADK) where you will meet with TA's. Again, for assessment purposes, please attend the discussion section you are enrolled in.
Tutoring Room: This will be open to all students enrolled in Math 241 this semester and will be staffed by TA's.
Day | Time | Place |
MTWR | 4-8 PM | 147 Altgeld Hall |
MT | 6-8 PM | 159 Altgeld Hall |
WR | 5-8 PM | 159 Altgeld Hall |
Office Hours:
- M: 12:30-1:30 in 201D Transportation (in person) and on Zoom ( login required)
- T: 10-11 on Zoom ( login required)
Your grade will be based on your performance on Exams (4 Midterms and a Final), Worksheets, Homework, and Extra Credit. will have four midterms and a final.
Component | Frequency/Time | Overall Weight |
Homework | every lecture | 13% |
Worksheets | every discussion section | 10% |
Midterms (6:45-8PM) | 49% (see below) | |
Midterm 1 | 10/1 (evening) | - |
Midterm 2 | 10/22 (evening) | - |
Midterm 3 | 11/19 (evening) | - |
Midterm 4 | 12/10 (evening) | - |
Final | Unknown (see below) | 28% |
Extra Credit | During Lecture | see below |
- Homework: The homework will be managed via WebAssign (which comes with the e-book version of the of the text). Homework will be assigned for each lecture, and will generally be due at 1:00am in the morning before the lecture after the next lecture. That is, HW based on Monday’s lecture is due Thursday night/Friday morning at 1:00am, and Wednesday’s is due Sunday night/Monday morning at 1:00 am, etc. The first assignment is due Wednesday, August 28.
- Worksheets: These will occur during the discussions sections.
- Exams: All exams will be closed book and notes, and no calculators or other electronic devices (e.g. cell phones) will be permitted; where indicated, all work must be shown to receive any credit on a problem
- Midterm Exams:
- Weighting: The 49% weighting on the midterms will be unequal; you will get 14% (out of the 49%) for each of your best 3 midterm exams, and 7% (out of the 49%) for your worst midterm exam.
- If you get 100%, 100%, 100%, and 50% on the midterms, you will get 45.5% (0.07×50+0.14×100+0.14×100+0.14×100=45.5)
- If you get 56%, 88%, 100%, and 75% on the midterms, you will get 40.74% (.07×56+0.14×88+.14×100+.14×75=40.74) for midterms
- Absence:
- Conflict exams: If you have a conflict with one of the exam times, please consult the university policy on evening midterm exams and final exam conflicts. Based on that, if you think your situation qualifies you to take the conflict exam, you need to fill out Math 241 Conflict exam (the link will be posted later) at least one week before the exam date. You will need to provide documentation as to the nature of your conflict, and I reserve final judgment as to which exam you will take.
- Missed exams: There will be no make-up for exams. In the event of a valid illness, accident, or family crisis you can be excused from an exam so that it does not count toward your overall average. Such situations must be documented and I reserve final judgment as to whether an exam will be excused. All such requests should be made to me in advance if possible, but in any event no more than one week after the exam date.
- Weighting: The 49% weighting on the midterms will be unequal; you will get 14% (out of the 49%) for each of your best 3 midterm exams, and 7% (out of the 49%) for your worst midterm exam.
- Final Exam: The final will occur sometime during the final examination period (between 12/13 and 12/19). The exact date is not yet known; please don't yet make plans to leave campus before December 20.
- Midterm Exams:
- Extra Credit: Given in class. It will count up to 2%, but in a regressive way. If WS is the above weighted score (consisting of homework, worksheets, midterm and final) and EC is your extra credit score, your final score will be
- If you get 100% Computed Score, extra credit will not affect your score.
- If you get 80% Computed Score and 1.8% Extra credit, your Final Score will be 80.36% (80+(100-80)x1.8%=80.36).
- Curve: Letter grades will be assigned at the end of the course based on a curve of the Final Score. Cutoffs will be decided at the end of the course but will adhere to
Grade | Cutoff |
A+ | no stricter than 97% |
A | no stricter than 93% |
A- | no stricter than 90% |
B+ | no stricter than 87% |
B | no stricter than 83% |
B- | no stricter than 80% |
C+ | no stricter than 77% |
C | no stricter than 73% |
C- | no stricter than 70% |
D+ | no stricter than 67% |
D | no stricter than 63% |
D- | no stricter than 60% |
- All date-times will be in Champaign-Urbana time.
- If you are requesting a DRES accommodation for exams, please complete this form.
- Students who have suppressed their directory information pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) should self-identify to the instructor.
- Safety information:
- All students are expected to abide by the Honor Code; you are here to learn (and my interest is in helping you do that).