Course Syllabus

Welcome to ECE408 / CS483 / CSE408

The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and hands-on experience in developing software for processors with massively parallel computing resources, such as Graphics Processing Units, or GPUs.  Effectively programming these processors requires in-depth knowledge about parallel programming principles, as well as the parallelism models, communication models, and resource limitations of these processors. In addition, this course also prepares the students to use the parallelism models of modern programming environments for high-performance computing and AI. The target audiences of the course are students who want to develop applications for these processors for fun, for work, and/or for research, as well as those who want to develop programming tools and future processors.

The course involves 8 programming lab assignments of steadily growing complexity.  All assignments will involve programming a massively parallel GPU system using CUDA, which is a popular commercial language extension of C/C++ for GPU programming.  Assignments involve tasks such as matrix multiplication, convolution, reduction, histogram calculation, and sparse matrix-vector multiplication.  During the final third of the semester, students work on a larger, more complex project/competition. 


Course Staff


Prof. Volodymyr Kindratenko


Howie Liu (,
Yifei Song (,
Shengjie Ma (,
Michael Wang (,
Yue Yuan (,
Xiyue Zhu (

UIUC Undergraduate Course Assistants

Daksh Kalley (,
Hrishi Shah (,
Colin Zeng (,
Lincoln Lin (

ZJUI Undergraduate Course Assistants

Qiqian Fu (
Zhixiang Liang (
Chiming Ni (

Class Time and Location

AL1: 1002 ECEB, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-10:50am US Central Time by Prof. Volodymyr Kindratenko. Lectures will be recorded and posted on mediaspace.

ALL other sections: Recorded lectures posted on mediaspace.


Reading Materials


D. Kirk and W. Hwu, “Programming Massively Parallel Processors – A Hands-on Approach,” Morgan Kaufman Publisher, 3rd edition, 2016, ISBN 978-0123814722.  Relevant to this course chapters can be found here.

NVIDIA documentation

NVIDIA, CUDA C Programming Guide (CUDA PG)

NVIDIA, CUDA C++ Best Practices Guide (CUDA BPG)

NVIDIA Developer Blog (NVIDIA DB)


Computer System Setup

We will use NCSA's Delta supercomputer for programming assignments (labs and project) in this course. We will distribute course assignments via a github repository and will collect students' solutions via github as well. Below are instructions on how to get started with Delta and Github. 

Delta Access

To get started with Delta, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and register yourself as a new user. If you already have an ACCESS account (some of you might already have it due to a research project, etc.) do not register as new user, just use the same username. When registering for new account, use "University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign" as your Identity Provider. This way, you can just use your UofI credentials. 
  2. Once your account is created, note your ACCESS user ID and submit this user ID to the course staff via this form:
  3. Wait for an email from NCSA Delta team confirming completion of your account registration. This may take several days, so please be patient. After receiving the confirmation email, you should be able to login into Delta via ssh and clone the GitHub repository to get started with the labs.
    • While you are waiting for a confirmation that your account has been setup on Delta, go ahead and familiarize yourself with Delta's documentation and also setup your class GitHub repository.  

GitHub setup

To get started with GitHub:

  1. First, follow this link to establish a class repository: This needs to be done only once. After this step is complete, you should be able to visit page (where NetID is your NetID) that shows the contents of your repository. Initially, this repository will be empty.
  2. After completing step 1, you should be able to access the class release repository at Please read file for further instructions about what to do next. You can proceed with these steps once your Delta account is setup. 


Getting Help

UIUC Office hours

Course instructor and TAs will have office hours offered in-person and on-line starting on the second week of the semester (week of 9/2). Watch this space for updates.

All in-person office hours take place in ECEB 3003.

US Central Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8 - 9 am Lincoln
9 - 10am
10 - 11am Daksh
11am - noon
noon - 1pm Colin
1 - 2pm
2 - 3pm Prof. Kindratenko
(3050E NCSA)
Shengjie Hrishi Yue
3 - 4pm Xiyue (Zoom)
4 - 5pm Howie
5 - 6pm Michael
6 - 7pm Colin
7 - 8pm Yifei (Zoom) Howie
8 - 9pm

ZJUI Office hours

All ZJUI office hours are in-person at the library cafe.

Qiqian Fu: Thursday 1030-1130am
Zhixiang Liang: Monday 3-4pm
Chiming Ni: Friday 6-7pm

Discussion board

We will use Campuswire for Q&A. Sign up here if you are not yet enrolled. (You will be asked for a verification code, which is 4870.)

Discussion TA: Michael Wang

Course chatbot

Yes, we are providing a GPT-4 powered AI chatbot trained on ECE 408 course materials! You are welcome to use it to learn, not to cheat! You can start by asking the chatbot how to succeed in this class. :)

Please read this disclaimer before using the chatbot, this a very experimental technology and you must understand its limitations and agree to the provisions outlined in the disclaimer. 



Grads and undergrads in the same grading pool. All grades will be posted in Canvas.

  • Exam 1: 25%
  • Exam 2: 25%
  • Lab Assignments: 25%
    • Correctness (determined by the number of data sets passed and the functionality) 90%
    • Responses to the quiz 10%
    • Lab with the lowest score will be dropped from the final grade, therefore no late submissions will be allowed. 
    • Lab 0's grade will not be counted towards the final grade. 
  • Final Project: 25%
    • Detailed Rubric is posted with the project description


Lectures Schedule

Lecture slides can be found here.

Reading materials can be found here and here.

Lecture recordings can be found here.

Week Date  Activity Topic Reading
1 8/27/24 Lecture 1 Introduction to the Course

Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 1

CUDA PG: Introduction

8/29/24 Lecture 2 Introduction to Parallel Computing and CUDA

Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 2

CUDA PG: Programming Model

8/30/24 ACCESS and Github setup due


2 9/3/24 Lecture 3 CUDA Parallel Execution Model Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 3
9/5/24 Lecture 4 CUDA Memory Model Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 4
9/6/24 Lab 0 due Device Query
3 9/10/24 Lecture 5 Locality and Tiled Matrix Multiply

Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 4

CUDA PG: Shared Memory

NVIDIA DB: Shared Memory

9/12/24 Lecture 6 Generalized Tiling and DRAM Bandwidth

Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 5

CUDA BPG: Device Memory Spaces

NVIDIA BD: Global Memory

9/13/24 Lab 1 due Vector Addition
4 9/17/24 Lecture 7 Convolution concept (1D and 2D); 1D Basic Convolution Kernel, and constant cache

Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 7

CUDA BPG: Device Memory Spaces

9/19/24 Lecture 8 2D Tiled Convolution Kernel

Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 7

NVIDIA DB: Shared Memory

9/20/24 Lab 2 due Simple Matrix Multiplication
5 9/24/24 Lecture 9 Shared Memory Reuse Analysis Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 7
9/26/24 Lecture 10 Introduction to Machine Learning


9/27/24 Lab 3 due Tiled Matrix Multiplication
6 10/1/24 Lecture 11 Deep Networks: Inference and Training Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 16
10/3/24 Lecture 12 Computation in CNNs and Transformers Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 16
10/4/24 Lab 4 due 3D Convolution
7 10/08/24

(no in-class lecture, please watch pre-recorded lecture)

Application Profiling with Nsight

C. Pearson's slides and videos (part1part2part3part4)

Nsight SystemsNsight Compute


Lecture 13


Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 5

10/11/24 PM1 due Project Milestone 1 Code & Report
8 10/15/24 Midterm 1 Lectures 1-12 and "Application Profiling with Nsight" lecture
10/17/24 Lecture 14 Parallel Scan: Kogge-Stone Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 8
10/18/24 Lab 5 due List Reduction
9 10/22/24 Lecture 15 Parallel Scan: Brent-Kung Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 8
10/24/24 Lecture 16 Histogramming and Atomic Operations

Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 9

CUDA PG: Atomic Functions

10/25/24 Lab 6 due Scan


10 10/29/24 Lecture 17 Sparse Matrix I Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 10
10/31/24 Lecture 18 Sparse Matrix II Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 10
11/1/24 Lab 7 due Histogram
11 11/5/24 Lecture 19 GPU Systems Architecture
11/7/24 Lecture 20 Tasks Parallelism and Asynchronous Data Transfer Kirk & Hwu: Chapter 18
11/8/24 PM2 due Project Milestone 2 Code & Report
12 11/12/24 Guest Lecture
11/14/24 Guest Lecture
11/15/24 Lab 8 due Sparse Matrix Multiplication
13 11/19/24 Lecture 21 Tensor Processing APIs

NVIDIA Technical Blog

CUDA PG: Warp Matrix Functions

11/21/24 Lecture 22 Other Accelerations APIs
Fall Break
14 12/3/24 Guest Lecture
12/5/24 Lecture 23 Course Retrospective


PM3 due Project Milestone 3 Code & Report
15 12/10/24 Midterm 2  
12/13/24 Project Competition due  Project Competition


Labs (aka MPs)

Lab (aka MP) assignments will be done using NCSA's Delta system for coding and Canvas for quiz submission. Programming part of each lab will be distributed via GitHub repository. Q&A part will be done as a quiz via Canvas. Do not start working on the quiz part before completing the programming part as the quiz will require providing info from the actual working lab. Labs are individual assignments; they must be carried out and submitted individually. 

Lab assignments are due on Fridays at 8:00pm US Central Time, unless otherwise noted or explicitly extended by the teaching staff. 

Date released Due Date Notes
Lab 0: Device Query 8/30/24 9/6/24 not counted toward the final grade
Lab 1: Vector Addition 9/6/24 9/13/24
Lab 2: Simple Matrix Multiplication 9/13/24 9/20/24
Lab 3: Tiled Matrix Multiplication 9/20/24 9/27/24
Lab 4: 3D Convolution 9/27/24 10/4/24
Lab 5: List Reduction 10/11/24 10/18/24
Lab 6: Scan 10/18/24 10/25/24
Lab 7: Histogram 10/25/24 11/1/24
Lab 8: Sparse Matrix Multiplication 11/8/24 11/15/24

Lab TA: Yue Yuan



We release the project in the same GitHub repository as the labs. Use "git pull" if you have checked out the project before. We will update instructions one milestone at a time. Projects are individual assignments, they must be carried out and submitted individually. We will use Delta for project as well.

Milestones are due on Fridays at 8:00pm US Central Time, unless otherwise noted or explicitly extended by the teaching staff. Project reports are submitted via Canvas.

Date Released Due Date Notes
Milestone 1 9/27/24 10/11/24
Milestone 2 10/11/24 11/8/24
Milestone 3 11/8/24 12/6/24
Final Competition 12/13/24 optional

Project TAs: Yifei Song, Shengjie Ma


Late Submission for Labs and Project - updated

We allow 2 48-hour deadline extensions, combined across labs and project milestones. If such an extension is needed, please fill in the form before noon of the day of the corresponding deadline. For example, to request a 48-hour deadline extension for Lab 1, which is due at 8pm on Friday, September 13th, please fill the form before 12:00 PM (noon) on 9/13. If you have already used this extension twice, you no longer can use it.  Because of this extension policy and because a lab with the lowest score will be dropped from the final grade, no late submissions will be allowed for any reasons for both labs and projects.


There are two midterm exams, there is no final exam.

Midterm 1 Midterm 2

When: 10/15/24, time 7-9pm.

Where: 1002, 1013, 1015 ECEB.

What: Lectures 1-12 and "Application Profiling with Nsight" lecture, Lab 1-4

How: paper-based 

Alternative Exam Time: as arranged  

Study materials: see Files

The cover page and the reference sheet [link] will be provided.

When: 12/10/24, time 7-9pm.

Where: 1002, 1013, 1015 ECEB.

What: All lectures starting with lecture 13, including the guest lectures; Lab 5-8, all project milestones.

How: paper-based

Alternative Exam Time: as arranged  

Study materials: see Files

The cover page and the reference sheet [link] will be provided.


Cheating and Academic Integrity

We take cheating very seriously.

The Student Code defines cheating as:

Using or attempting to use in any academic exercise materials, information, study aids, or electronic data that the student knows or should know is unauthorized (§1-402(a))

and notes that:

Substantial portions of the same academic work may not be submitted for credit more than once or by more than one student without authorization. (§1-402(a)(4))

The student code also disallows facilitation of cheating, prohibiting

Helping or attempting to help another to commit an infraction of academic integrity, where one knows or should know that through one’s acts or omissions such an infraction may be facilitated. (§1-402(c))

Cheating is an offense to the entire academic ecosystem: you, your classmates, and the course staff. It creates extra work for the course staff, it creates grading imbalances for your classmates, and it prevents you from learning the material that the rest of your academic career is built on.

We will take cheating very seriously. If we catch you cheating, or helping someone cheat, the penalty will not be less than a zero on the applicable assignment and the incident will be reported to the College.


Department, College, and University syllabus statements

The Grainger College of Engineering

Provost's Office Syllabi Guidelines (